
School Times 

School Site Opening Times

Please see below the start and finishing times for each year group across both High Street and Manor Way sites.

Nursery (Manor Way site)

The Nursery entrance is located on Camrose Street.

Full Time Nursery

Gates open at 8:50am, Gates close at 9:00am

Drop-off    8:50am to 9:00am 

Registration 9:00am

Collection  3:30pm to 3:40pm 

Gates open at 3:30pm Gates close at 3:40pm

Part Time Nursery

Gates open 08:50am, Gates close at 9:00am

Morning - Drop-off from 8:50am to 9:00am

Registration 9:00am

Morning - Collection from 12pm to 12:10pm

Gates open at 12pm, Gates close at 12:10pm

Afternoon – Drop-off 12:20pm to 12:30pm

Gates open 12:20pm, Gates close at 12:30pm

Afternoon – Collection from 3:30pm to 3:40pm

Gates open at 3:30pm, Gates close at 3:40pm

High Street - Reception (Weekly hours 32 hrs 30 mins)

Gates open              8:35am (Gate closes at 08:45am)

- Apple & Pear Classes to use Ceres Road Gate

- Cherry & Orange classes to use Plumstead High Street Gate

Registration            8:45am

Collection                3:15pm 

Gates open at 3:15pm (closes at 3:25pm)

High Street – Key Stage 1 (Weekly hours 32 hrs 30 mins)

When dropping off the children in Year 1 and Year 2 in the morning please use the Bannockburn Road Gate. 

When collecting the children in the afternoon we use a one-way system. Parents must enter via the Bannockburn Road Gate and then exit through the Ceres Road Gate.

Gates open at 8:40am (Gate closes at 8:50am)

Year 1 - use the Bannockburn Road Gate

Year 2 - use the Bannockburn Road Gate

Registration                                       8:50am

Morning Break                                 10.30am to 10.45am

Lunchtime                                         12.15pm to 1.25pm

Collection                                           3:20pm 

Gates open at 3:20pm (close at 3:30pm)

Manor Way Site (Key Stage 2) (Weekly hours 32 hrs 30 mins)

Parents are to use the same gate for both drop off in the morning and collection at the end of the day.

Gates open at 8:50am (closes at 9:00am)

Year 3 - use The Lodge entrance on Church Manor Way

Registration                                       9.00am

Morning Break                                 11.00am to 11.15am

Lunchtime                                         11.45am to 12.45pm

Collection                                           3:30pm 

Year 4 - use the Manton Road Gate

Registration                                       9.00am

Morning Break                                 11.00am to 11.15am

Lunchtime                                         11.45am to 12.45pm

Collection                                           3:30pm 

Year 5 - use the Camrose Street Gate

Registration                                       9.00am

Morning Break                                 11.30am to 11.45am

Lunchtime                                         12.45am to 1.45pm

Collection                                           3:30pm 

Year 6 - use the main Visitors entrance on Church Manor Way

Registration                                       9.00am

Morning Break                                 11.30am to 11.45am

Lunchtime                                         12.45am to 1.45pm

Collection                                           3:30pm 

Gates open at 3:30pm (close at 3:40pm)

When collecting Year 3 and Year 6 pupils in the afternoon we use a one-way system. Parents must enter via the main Visitors entrance on Church Manor Way and then exit through The Lodge.

If you are collecting more than one child please use the gate of your youngest child.

'Soft Start' to the Day

Both the High St and Manor Way sites operate a 'soft start' for all children. Once the gates have been opened the children are expected to go straight into class. Upon entering the class there will be an activity for the children to do until registration.


Please be on time to collect your child at the end of the school day. Young children can get very distressed and anxious if you are not there on time to meet them. Children from Nursery to Year 4 should be brought to school and collected by an adult (16 years or older).

For children in Year 5 and Year 6 the school gives the option to travel to and from school on their own. If you wish for your child to go home alone please inform the Manor Way school office in writing. Please note, Year 5 and Year 6 who do travel on their own are expected to behave in the manner in which they would in school. As the children are wearing school uniform they are not only representing themselves but also the school. Should any child choose to behave inappropriately or unsafely the school has the right to take away this privilege.

It is very important that children arrive on time and that there is regular attendance.


Regular attendance is most important if children are to make progress and take an active part in school life. Children should only be absent from school in the case of illness or treatment. In the case of pupil absence parents should always inform the school on the first day of absence. Always inform us by telephone, in writing or in person as soon as your child is absent so that we can record the reason on the register.

Please try to make non-urgent dental and medical appointments outside the school day.

Any absence requests must be made in writing to the Headteacher and will be recorded as unauthorised.

Please keep your child at home if they are unwell. The school needs to know the reason for your child’s absence, particularly if an infectious illness is involved. You can obtain advice from the school office for when it is appropriate to return to school following an infectious illness.

The School Office

The school offices open at 8:30am (HS) and 8:30am (MW). Telephones will be answered between the hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm, Monday to Friday.