Year 2
This term our topic will be ‘Into the Forest’. As part of the topic, the children will also take part in a Forest School workshop and learn how to make bird feeders, identify mini beasts and locate a variety of microhabitats.
In English, we will be looking at Non- Fiction. We will be creating text maps to aid our understanding of recounts and persuasive leaflet writing. We will be writing a recount of our ‘Wilderness Day’ and create our own persuasive leaflets.
In Mathematics, we will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We will also be recapping our learning on addition and subtraction.
In Science this term, we will be learning about living things and their habitats. We will explore a range of habitats throughout the coming weeks, such as, the rainforests, deserts and the Polar regions. We will learn about the animals and plant life that live in these habitats. The children will use their comparison skills to compare familiar and unfamiliar habitats and we will also learn about food chains. The children will also take part in a scientific enquiry where they will identify, group and classify things that are living, dead and things that have never been alive.
In R.E this term we will be learning about Christianity. We will be learning about the Christian beliefs and learning about Palm Sunday and Easter. We will be learning about Jesus and his significance for Christians. At the end of our learning we will be trying hot cross buns and discussing how other religions celebrate using food.
In P.E this term, we will be focusing on football and aerobics When learning about aerobics we will be exploring different high intensity workouts. In football, we will be learning how to attack, defend, and take part in friendly competitions.
If you have any further questions about the content of the Year 2 curriculum please contact the Year 2 Team Leader, Miss Stannett-Daborn, who will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.
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