Our Learning this Term:
This term our topic will be Around the World. We will explore similarities and differences between countries and festivals around the world.
In Communication and Language we will recall our own experiences of different journeys and answer where and how questions. We will listen to the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’ and put pictures in the correct order while creating props and masks to retell the story as well as taste a selection of fruits and describe them using all of our senses. We will follow instructions to make a healthy fruit salad.
In Maths we will learn about numbers 1-5 with a focus on the range of ways we can see/hear each number and how it can be represented in different ways with our fingers, dots, shapes. We will explore parts of a number and how they make a whole, e.g. 1 (part) and 2 (part) make 3 (whole).
For Personal Health Social and Emotional Development, explore our theme of Celebrating Difference with a focus on understanding that everyone is different and including others in our play. We will discuss how to solve problems and know how to help others.
In Literacy we will focus on recognising our names and learn to write them using the correct letter formation. We will continue to practise our Phase 2 sounds, writing them and sounding them out in words.
For Physical Development we will learn how to move our body in different ways in response to music, thinking about the different animals we explore in our text ‘Handa’s Surprise’. We will practise our pencil grip, making sure that we hold pencils correctly. We will develop our fine motor skills through threading and printing.
In Understanding the World we will look at homes/places around the world and discuss their similarities and differences in appearance, weather and celebrations.
For Creative Art and Design we will be painting and drawing fruits through observational drawings. We will explore using different instruments to play music alongside traditional Kenyan songs and learn songs from around the world.
If you have any questions about the content of the Reception curriculum please contact the Reception Team Leader, Miss Irving who will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.