Our Learning this Term:
This half term we are excited to learn a text about ‘Supertato’ and the ‘Evil Pea’. We will discuss our school values and how to encourage the Evil Pea to make kinder choices.
In Communication and Language we will learn our new Talk for Writing text about Supertato and discuss the characters and what happens in the story. We will also talk about how our actions make ourselves and others feel.
In Maths the children have become experts at subitising numbers to 5 during Autumn Term so we will continue to 10 and begin to look at ‘parts’ and ‘wholes’. We will look at the concept of ‘parts’ and a ‘whole’. For example, a stem is a part, a flower is a whole, or 1 and 2 are parts, 3 is a whole. Subitise numbers up to 10 using number facts to 5.
For Personal Health Social and Emotional Development we will talk about the good and bad characteristics of different story characters and discuss how we can show our school values in different situations.
In Literacy we will continue to revise Phase 2 and 3 sounds as well as Hard to Read and Spell words. We will focus on developing our writing skills, practising letter formations and using capitals, finger spaces and full stops when writing sentences.
For Physical Development we will learn different balances, jumps and landing positions in Gymnastics. We will use apparatus including balance benches, agility tables and the large climbing frame to make sequences of movements.
In Understanding the World, we will learn about people who help us in our community such as police, doctors and firefighters. We will talk about what to do in an emergency situation.
For Creative Art and Design we will participate in Music lessons with Mrs Manser where we will listen to a variety of music and learn to move our bodies in different ways and rhythms. We will use junk modelling materials to build traps to capture Evil Pea.
If you have any questions about the content of the Reception curriculum please contact the Reception Team Leader, Miss Irving who will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.
Reception Newsletter Spring Term 1 2025