
SEND & Inclusion Policies

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At Bannockburn, we are committed to developing practices based upon the aim of creating an inclusive community within our school.  We create an ethos of achievement for all pupils within a climate of high expectation by;

  • valuing a broad range of talents, abilities and achievements;
  • promoting success and self-esteem by taking action to remove barriers to learning;
  • countering conscious and unconscious discrimination that may prevent individuals, or pupils from any particular groups, from thriving in our school; and
  • actively promoting understanding and a positive appreciation of the diversity of individuals
  • and groups within society (dfe, 2010)

In November 2023 Bannockburn retained the Inclusion Quality Mark 'Flagship Status'. Our IQM reported stated exceptional features of our school included ‘the very strong, collaborative leadership leading to excellent teamwork; the exceptional behaviour and positive learning attitudes of pupils; the excellent model of teaching and learning and differentiation in the classrooms; the excellent communication, organisation and planning within the school, leading to consistency of practice across the school; the excellent use of resources to enable diverse needs to be thoroughly met and the excellent work of the Inclusion Team and their work with a variety of outside agencies and professionals.’

If you wish to discuss any issues/concerns relating to Inclusion, please do not hesitate to contact the school's SENDCo.

For High Street site, please contact Miss McCulloch


Tel: 020 8854 2169

For Manor Way site, please contact Mrs Farrell


Tel: 020 8317 5937